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May First Celebrates ... ?

Writer: Keep Up CreationsKeep Up Creations

Updated: 4 days ago

Today is May first and it is “National” something or other day for so many things. I was not aware of many of these celebrations that land on today, but here are some that caught my eye I would like to share with you.

May Day – many cultures celebrating today as a day of unity, togetherness, life. I chuckle as I type that because “life” and where I am in Ohio and what the weather is doing … well, the calendar may say spring and May Day may be focused on the idea of spring, but Ohio did not get that memo! (laughing even harder now)

Couple Appreciation Day – Even though John and I can have “loud discussions” sometimes, there is no way I would not celebrate the man God gifted me! John is an amazing partner in life, in our business, in caring for me (both as a wife and as someone with a disease that limits her capacities). I appreciate and love my husband and gladly celebrate Couple Appreciation Day.

Great Lakes Awareness Day – It is actually focused for an entire week. Originally started as a protest regarding a pipeline going through Lakes Michigan and Huron, it now has a focus on water conservation, fresh water ecosystems, lake preservation, and other lake-related issues. The last time I dipped toes into one of the Great Lakes was Erie as a child. That was well before this day of recognition for the Great Lakes was started. For a body of water that holds memories for me, I am glad today is a day to start a week of focusing on preserving and cherishing the Great Lakes.

International Sunflower Guerrilla Gardening Day – Ooh, this one sounds to be quite fun. (insert evil smirk) The concept of this is to “guerrilla garden” a bit of land that is where a gardener technically has no legal rights. I love sunflowers, and the bonus for me is that sunflowers help the soil by drawing out toxins. So by guerrilla gardening sunflowers, you add a splash of color popping up somewhere and help the soil (removing the toxins), the wildlife (with the seeds), and people who drive past (smiling at the happy-colored flowers).

Labor and Agriculture Day – As a former 4-H child, this recognition day is one that brings forth fond memories. Not only did I participate in 4-H, but I once upon a time worked for a few different farmers. My time working for them might have been taking care of their office work but I learned so much about their struggles and heart-desires for caring for the land and their families. This day may be primarily in Haiti, but I think the US should also take a moment to say “thank you” to their area farmers.

National Chocolate Parfait Day – Anyone else on board with this day?! Confession I do not like chocolate. Yes, I just said that. But a dessert focused day? That I can get behind. Chocolate parfaits apparently date back to the late 1800s and is believed to be the perfect dessert. So, there is your excuse to get your chocolate fix today – it is National Chocolate Parfait Day and you don’t want to be a Grinch and not celebrate it properly. Right? (snicker)

Other days of note: National Infertility Survival Day – strikes home because John and I cannot have two-legger children, National Mother Goose Day – show me someone who does not love at least one Mother Goose story, National Open Farm Day – celebrated in Ireland to encourage people to discover where their food originates, Silver Star Service Banner Day – if you know someone who is a Silver Star awardee please thank them for their service, National Purebred Dog Day – at Keep Up Creations we love rescues (cats and dogs) but what my purebred Standard Poodle has brought to my life cannot be understated.

The last one to mention is New Home Owners Day. We cannot formally announce anything, but having a day to celebrate a new home is something we would like to be able to do … very soon. For those, like my parents, rejoice in the fact you have not only a new house to live in but a new home to create with your loved ones (whether it is your first or seventh).


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